Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm a rebel

It's been not a very long time since I took my pledge, and I've already bent my self-made rules.  I didn't read a celebrity gossip blog per se, but I did stumble across and read a myspace blog by a musician quasi-celebrity from back before he was even quasi-famous.  Out of respect for his privacy and my own dignity (though mostly the latter), I will refrain from linking to it and even giving his name.

But here is my conclusion... I really love the music he makes, but honestly, he is just not that interesting a person.  Certainly, he is not an 
uninteresting person, but he is not inherently more fascinating than any of my own friends whom I actually know personally.  Plus, he's kind of whiny and angsty. And thus I conclude... celebrity is kind of silly.

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