Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm a rebel

It's been not a very long time since I took my pledge, and I've already bent my self-made rules.  I didn't read a celebrity gossip blog per se, but I did stumble across and read a myspace blog by a musician quasi-celebrity from back before he was even quasi-famous.  Out of respect for his privacy and my own dignity (though mostly the latter), I will refrain from linking to it and even giving his name.

But here is my conclusion... I really love the music he makes, but honestly, he is just not that interesting a person.  Certainly, he is not an 
uninteresting person, but he is not inherently more fascinating than any of my own friends whom I actually know personally.  Plus, he's kind of whiny and angsty. And thus I conclude... celebrity is kind of silly.

Onwards and upwards

Once, not too long ago (a week ago, or perhaps it was two?), I did something kind of crazy. I swore off celebrity gossip blogs. Ok, perhaps not so crazy. Unless of course your blogger name happens to be Gossip Librarian. In which case, how can you live without gossip of the celebrity variety?

...By creating your own, of course! From here on out, the gossip shall be my own. I have stories to tell, don't I? Vignettes to share? Absolutely! And who says they all have to be true?

First piece of gossip on the docket: I googled "Gossip Librarian" to see what I could find. The top results were this here blog and this Twitter account. Slightly disconcerting that.
  1. Her name is Emily
  2. She is a librarian
  3. She is tweeting about Dolly Parton
  4. CT is not that far away from me.
  5. She tweets about as often as I have blogged.
What are the odds?

I have a doppelganger.